Taylor Rhodes: Project Site

Sept 13th, 2018:
Perhaps it's time I start this project up again. I feel there is still a mighty need for this. Also, I noticed a lot of people accessing the ham page in my web stats, so somehow people are finding this place looking for helpful information. At the least, I've gotten my database working again, so the ugly beta practice test is functional. I left off working on making a script to automatically import the test questions into my database for easier data manipulation. I'll begin work there again, since the test questions have likely been updated.

June 22nd, 2015:
I've learned a lot over the past year at my new job. I know quite enough to make this work great, and to finally get it done! I'll be making some rapid changes over the next few weeks. This time I'll be starting with the Technician pool. I'm going to rewrite my entire script anyway... Once it's done it will be easy to apply to the other question pools. Getting the pools into my database is going to be the fun part. I've not got the Technicial and General class pools up with only the correct answers in them. This is a good way to study to retain only the correct answers. Of course, I would still advice taking a class or doing some real studying. But for entry level, you will learn quite a bit from just reading the question pools.

Feb 21th, 2014:
Back to work on this project once again! Next year I'll be faced with having to renew my license. So what better a time to prepare for retesting than to also study for the next level?! This script has far to go still. After migrating servers I lost the files for a little bit, but was able to finally track them down. First things first, I'm remaking the question pool sheet for the updated questions. I've started work on a web script that will speed up the process. In previous years, I had gone through manually and deleted the incorrect questions. I've learned enough programming now to figure out how to get the computer to do it all for me. Automation is my friend!
Update later in the day: I've already got the script to generate the pool questions and identify the correct answers I am extremely happy with this progress! I'll be able to get to work on the practice test soon, and easily get the Technician and Extra license classes generated as well. Automation has become my best friend!

June 9th, 2009:
OK... So instead of getting the randomized answer choices script to work, I made several other scripts smaller and more effective. I was still trying to get it to work though. BUT! I think I finally have it figured out. But I must now go to sleep. It's 2 AM...

June 7th, 2009:
I made a secret page for myself to make it easier to add questions into the database. That might speed that part of the process up. Then I noticed a few bugs and had to work them through. Then I also notice my randomized questions were not responding correctly to which answer was right and wrong. So I undid the random question script until I can make it work properly. Keep cheering for me y'all!

June 4th, 2009:
Getting SO much closer! Now the questions AND their answers are displayed in random order. When you click "Start Over" the page will give you a fresh set of all newly randomized questions, so be careful! Although, I'm working on getting the script to recognize which answer choice is the right one. I'll have to work on that tomorrow. This is turning out to be quite a nifty project.

June 2th, 2009:
Now if you get an answer wrong, the page strikes it out and you must choose another one. Likewise, if you get the choice right, it gets rid of the spare answers and locks it so you can't accidentally change it. A little revision here and there and bug fixing. Woo!

May 31th, 2009:
There we go! Now the hidden value for each question that tells the script which answer is supposed to be correct, is now slightly better encrypted. Not that it's worth anything to anyone to view the source of this web page to figure out which answers are the same, but you never know! And not that that sentence made sense to anyone else but me, but you never know!!

May 30th, 2009:
This is midnight progress! I haven't gone to sleep yet and it is now 2:27 AM on the 30th. No bueno. BUT! I have made much progress in such little time. I realized that my script was repeating empty questions endlessly down the web page, so I fixed that, and then got the submit button to check your answers. A little bug fix here and a little rearranging and deleting there. This is advancing much quicker than I thought it would!

May 29th, 2009:
Much unseen progress completed!! I got a script that will repeat in a loop, meaning I can display 20 or so questions, with one default question layout. I can also increase or decrease the number display. This will make many of my scripts on this website much smaller and more efficient!

May 28th, 2009:
Now I have the questions and answers displayed in the web page.

May 26th, 2009:
Got a script to pull info from the database and hold it in an organized array, and display it with ease on a web page. Was easier and harder than I though it would be, all at the same time. Progress piece by piece at a time, but it is coming along swell.

May 14th, 2009:
Minor progress, but some still. I have 5 questions from G1A of the General Exam into the database for testing. A little work here and there, not much. This is most definitely going to be the biggest scripting project I've ever made. Debugging when it's in the final stages of beta is going to be a pain!

Yee Ha!

May 12th, 2009:
This marks the first day of progress! I have the basic pages created, now I will be creating scripts and putting things in order. I will start with a 5 question pool. The questions may or may not have anything to do with ham radio while I am testing my basic scripts.

November 2nd, 2009:
Long awkard pause... I have started taking a computer programming class. Which has me a bit inspired to get back to working on this test. Once I finish this online one I may even make a stand alone program as a school project! Time is tight right now. Will do as much as I can.

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